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Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention Journey – Self-Study Program with Live Support Sessions

$430.00 / month for 2 months

Whether you have gone through your first – or many – toxic relationship breakups or divorce, if you are like most people it is painful and disorienting – even if you are the one doing the leaving. Toxic relationships and breakups wear us down, stress us out and often lead to frustration and anxiety about the future.

Take a minute now and think about how much it has cost you in time, energy and suffering to come out the other side of this relationship . Key question to you – are you now ready to heal your wounds and go further,  reinventing yourself  so that you never go through this again? So that your life resembles those who “seem to have it all”? We are talking about those who have-peace of mind, purpose and confidence, excellent relationships of all types, great decision-making skills and super lifestyles, career and/or business.

We, Dr. Diane and Donna plus our team of experts, modeled 25 of those who “seem to have it all”. They gave up their secrets, including, believe it or not,  “Suffering is optional.” Applying their secrets, we, (Dr. Diane and Donna) have helped  thousands of clients, plus ourselves, (See testimonials!) reinvent ourselves.

This transformational Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention Self-Study Program will lead you through powerful changes, step by step, so that you, too, can have it all – if you invest the commitment, time and energy needed. With two intensive and immersive e-Courses each designed to shift your sense of being, this Dual-track Personal Reinvention Self-Study Program also includes your personal Blueprint for Change and live Success Time with us, Donna and Diane, your Extraordinary Self coaches. Monthly Success Time sessions will help you with motivation, focus and troubleshooting.

Note: Following your purchase, you will receive an email Welcome notification with instructions to schedule your Orientation Session, access your e-Courses, and get started. Once you begin your sessions, we also will follow up with weekly messages to help facilitate change.

We’ve designed this Self-Study option as an affordable alternative for those who cannot or do not wish to participate in live private and/or group coaching sessions. Learn more in the long description below.

More life, more love, more confidence, more success, less frustration and less pain!


Additional information

Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention Journey
A Self-Study Program With Live Support Sessions
Recover from Painful Relationships, Breakups and Divorce

Are you ready to recover from a painful, toxic, and/or dysfunctional relationship, breakup or divorce? Have you had enough of feelings of defeat, disintegration, fear and anxiety? And tired of pain, anger, and a deep sense of loss? While uncertain about how to move into your future?

Instead of the pain, try this out – imagine getting up each morning, energized and committed to carrying out your purpose for the day. While quickly working through blocks, triggers, insecurities, inner attacking voices, relationship issued and outer obstacles. And then tumbling into bed at night with good feelings and thoughts of a satisfying day. Meanwhile you are making effective choices and decisions, leading to success after success.

If it is time for you to re-group, reinvent and jump-start your future life, relationships, and/or business – we want that for you, too. We want for you to enjoy more life, more love, more confidence, more success. And this Program will help.

This Extraordinary Self® Self-Study Program includes two (2) intensive and immersive e-courses – plus more. And it leads you – step by step – through powerful change.

Our Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal  Reinvention e-Course will help you reclaim positive loving feelings, confidence and a sense of direction. You will discover that “Suffering is optional.” as you learn to transform your beliefs, thoughts and feelings change  and move step-by-step toward important-to-you success goals.

In our Extraordinary Relationships and Win/Win Communication e-Course, you will learn and practice highly effective strategies to turn conflicted relationships into Win/Win relationships – if possible. In fact, you will develop the skills and abilities to handle all kinds of old and new relationships – and communication – in a more powerful and satisfying way.

This Dual-Track “Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention Journey” Self-Study Program also includes your personal Blueprints for Change, transformative exercises, rich voice-guided visualizations, and monthly live Success Time sessions with us, Donna and Dr. Diane – your Extraordinary Self Coaches — to help with motivation, focus and troubleshooting.

About your “Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention e-Course”

Your e-course, “Breakup and Divorce Recovery: Your Personal Reinvention e-Course”, focuses on you and all you need to feel consistently good on the inside and reach important-to-you goals on the outside.

How it works: In this e-course, you will follow a role model, Beverly, who learns to change her negative beliefs and feelings, resulting in continual self-love, self-worth and self-regard. Through intense questioning, written self-exploration exercises, visualizations and practice, you, like Beverly, will reclaim those positive feelings. You will learn to maintain your inner core of positivity and become far less reactive to outside triggers that make you feel bad inside yourself and less successful on the outside. You will learn to make suffering optional!

You will also learn to diminish self-defeating patterns, negative self-talk and the critical parts of yourself. Feeling positive and strong, you will focus on important values and life purpose, leading to developing important-to-you goals to move you forward – in life, career and relationships. You will next learn and practice strategies to make sure you reach your goals.

This step-by-step Reinvention Program — first developed in 2006 by Dr. Diane Kramer and a team of Psychologists, Social Workers, and NLP Trainers — is based on proven principles of psychology, neuroscience, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) (think Tony Robbins.)

Highly comprehensive with 17 lessons and 267 engaging slides with 17 visualizations and lively graphics, this award-winning Reinvention Program has helped thousands. It is actually eight self-development courses in one, based on our having modeled extraordinary individuals and discovered the 8 Key Abilities they share.

These 8 Key Abilities are used by Extraordinary individuals to maintain ongoing inner satisfaction and good feelings – no matter what – as they work to achieve success after success!



Lesson 1 – Calm Your Inner Self

Why: When relationships disintegrate, we experience deeper stress, worry, anxiety and fear of the future. This often leads to feelings of overwhelm and distress as well as sleepless nights and confusing days. Let’s start to change that, step by step, with this introductory module.

As a result, you will:

  • Become calmer, as you learn to use our Stress-Lessening Breathing Exercise and other Recovery exercises.
  • Gain clarity on what type of goals and changes will help you enjoy more satisfaction and success ahead.
  • Develop preliminary view of new future.

Lesson 2 – 8 Key Abilities for your Extraordinary Self

Why: This lesson lays out the 8 Key Abilities of extraordinary individuals, for whom suffering is optional. Mastering these 8 Key Abilities is the core of your reinvention.

As a result, you will:

  • Assess yourself on those 8 Key Abilities.
  • Be ready to focus on the Key Abilities you most need to learn and practice.
  • Gain a sense of hope in your future.

Lesson 3 – From Limiting to Liberating Beliefs

Why: Beliefs are the core of our feelings and thoughts. Learning how to identify and shift beliefs is the beginning of making suffering optional. In this lesson, you will be led through how to shift beliefs with interactive worksheets and deep visualizatons.

As a result, you will:

  • Learn to identify your beliefs.
  • Learn to shift Limiting Beliefs to Liberating Beliefs.
  • Practice and apply to real life.

Lesson 4 – Develop Unshakeable Self-Worth

Why: Failed relationships take a toll on our identity, leading us to question our own self-worth. This creates negativity, self-attacks, hopelessness, and lack of energy, purpose and direction. Chronic low self-worth makes it even worse.  There is a better way! In this lesson you will develop a sense of deep self-acceptance and breathe new life into the tapestry of you. Uncover the unshakeable foundation of High Self-Worth.

As a result, you will:

• Bolster self-confidence and self-trust, while lowering anxiety.
• Develop Unshakeable Self-Worth and Liberating Beliefs that help you stop fear and worry.
• Feel more energetic and less hopeless.
• Begin changing patterns for a better life and better relationship in the future.
• Hold your new Liberating Beliefs will allow you to explore more deeply what went wrong in past relationship(s).

Lessons 5 and 6 – Transform Self-Defeating Patterns

Why: It’s highly likely that repeating patterns, such as over-pleasing, negative self-talk and self-attacks have led to your current distress –the patterns that keep you from having the life and relationship you want?

Now that you have been strengthening your foundational Self-Worth, you are ready for the next step in your transformation! It is time to change patterns – such as how you set yourself up for failure – and create a new and far more satisfying life and relationship story. And you will empower your self-talk.

You will feel less disintegrated, sad and unhappy, more quickly able to recognize and detach from Self-Defeating Patterns and more powerful and confident about moving forward into a better future.

As a result, you will:

  • Identify pesky, subconscious Self-Defeating Patterns, like over-pleasing, negative self-talk, and/or self-attacks that arise automatically and hold you back from creating your dream life and relationship.
  • Detach quickly and effectively from these Self-Defeating Patterns
  • Transform underlying Limiting Beliefs behind each Self-Defeating Pattern into learning-focused Liberating Beliefs that move you forward.
  • Go into action in the real world, having learned to quickly minimize self-defeating patterns.

Lessons 7 and 8 – Evolve Your Vision, Values and Mission for a New Future

Why: It’s not easy to get what you want when you don’t really know what that is or how to get it. This Module will change that!

Gain clarity and focus as you explore hidden facets of you, and connect more deeply with your authentic self and desires. With this action-oriented module, you will gain insight, strategies, and tools to help you stay focused and connected to what you truly want going forward. With that in mind, your motivation and hope for the future will increase.

As a result, you will:

  • Gain clarity about your evolving self-concept.
  • Identify your set of personal values and use them to create a vision for your positive future.
  • Refine your authentic personal and/or professional missions, which will act as beacons for your future direction.

Lessons 9, 10, 11 and 12 – Step into Your Success: Goal-Setting, Action Planning and Next-Step Learning

Why: Imagine that you are standing in your own power, influencing others and getting your needs met in life, work and relationships – faster and more effectively than ever. You’re almost there.

We will help you plan your new future and support you in getting there step by step. You will learn an extraordinary goal-getting process to ensure you break through to a new level without feeling confused or overwhelmed.

As a result, you will:

  • Understand how to take action you never thought possible for results you never knew how to get!
  • Step out of self-defeating patterns more quickly – faster and wiser, fueled by enhanced self-worth, empowered inner voice, and clarity about your values, vision and mission.
  • Confidently move forward and reach goals that you may not even have believed you deserved in the past.
  • Move forward with purpose.
  • Gain the non-stop confidence you’ve needed as you enjoy extraordinary results, time and time again!
  • With a new mindset, you will strategize, create, problem solve, and thrive.
  • Practice a method that ensures you will set and reach goals that are in your control or influence.

Lesson 13 – Own Your New Future


Getting to your positive, empowered future means recognizing your part in past feelings, life choices, decisions, and relationships – without beating yourself up. In this module, we enhance your “response ability” for creating the life and relationship you choose – even if that is simply a better relationship with yourself.

As a result, you will:

  • See and acknowledge that decisions you made in the past were based on who you were back then, and learn not to beat yourself up about them.
  • Master the ability to shift out of old automatic habits of blame, shame, guilt and self-attacks – as you take more responsibility for your feelings, decisions, and actions going forward.
  • Feel more courageous, capable and confident about going for the future you want.

Lessons 14 and 15- From Inner Critic to Inner Coach

Why: In these lessons, you will explore inner sources of negativity, self-doubt and self-attacks. Having begun to experience higher self-worth and less distress, you now will learn how to let go of shame, guilt, self-blame, and self-attacks. You will focus on transforming and empowering your inner core – so that you no longer beat yourself up or feel hopeless. Instead, your own inner voice will become supportive and helpful, good feelings will follow.

As a result, you will:

  • Transform and shift the roles, inner voices and behaviors of your Inner Judge and Obstacle Parts.
  • Free yourself to discover your authentic desires and desired goals.
  • Be less fearful of failure, criticism or rejection as happens often – without conscious awareness.
  • No longer fear the inner punishment of shame and guilt.
  • Start moving forward in life with more confidence because of strengthened inner resources.

Lesson 16 – Prepare for the Extraordinary Relationship

Why: Extraordinary Relationships, including the one with yourself, operate with more love, compassion, empathy and balance to get needs met.

Now that you have more insight into past painful relationships, and are moving forward in more powerful and less distressing ways, it is time to prepare so that you do not repeat the relationship mistakes of the past. And, even if you don’t want that Extraordinary Relationship with another, this module also will help you with the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself!

As a result, you will:

  • Practice for future relationships now, while developing greater awareness of the Vicious Cycle in your past.
  • Learn how to recognize, detach from, avoid, or break the Vicious Cycle.
  • Stop predicting relationship failure and prepare for success! Gain clarity on how to cultivate the Extraordinary Relationship(s) you want.
  • Feel supported as you receive personal insight and coaching to keep future relationships positive and need satisfying.

Lesson 16 – Win/Win Communication Skills

Why:  Poor communication and vicious cycles in past relationships may have created distress and frustration, while leaving you to fend for yourself. You may have felt hopeless, and depressed – perhaps engaging in food or retail therapy, or even affairs.

Much of relationship communication starts inside our mind in the form of self-talk, automatic thinking, beliefs and perceptions – whether true or false. Sometimes our false assumptions develop into deeper false beliefs and barriers in our relationships. In this module, we will explore “all things communication” and help develop new abilities for communicating with compassion, confidence and clarity.

As a result, you will:

  • Develop 7 Key Extraordinary Communication Skills that will allow you to avoid communication that sabotaged your past relationships.
  • Master the art of Win/Win Communication, which helps avoid conflicts, arguing or withdrawing, and/or feelings of hurt and betrayal.
  • Sharpen your communication skills with key practices and exercises that support trust, understanding, and rapport to help you and your partner feel heard and validated.

Lesson 17 – Putting It All Together


Your second e-course in this Dual Course Program: Extraordinary Relationships and Win/Win Communication, focuses on what has gone wrong in your prior relationships. Then it leads you through changes so those relationships and/or new ones shine through Win/Win lenses, feel great and help you reach your goals.

This learning-rich Reinvention Course offers deep insight to the beliefs, thoughts and behaviors influencing your Relationships. It explains and helps correct the Vicious Cycles that are part of your troubled relationships. When needs are not met, hurts and resentments follow. The result is the Vicious Cycle of  “attack and/or withdraw.” These reactions worsen over time.

Exercises and practice opportunities will help you learn to break the Vicious Cycle. How? You will learn to draw on an extraordinary mindset, skillset and actonset that will help you change your part in the relationship so you can influence the other(s). It only takes one.

Learn new abilities and skills, and practice shifting thoughts, beliefs and behaviors with our strategic and award-winning learning methods. Also learn the secrets to better relationship communication and practice cultivating the Win/Win relationships you desire.

Extraordinary Relationships and Win/Win Communication e-Course was designed to guide you to make step-by-step changes in difficult Relationships. With 15 lesson’s, this interactive, in-depth, self-paced e-Course provides 180 screens of engaging content, as well as 10 visualizations. All available to you online 24/7/365.


What will you learn in this Extraordinary Relationships and Win/Win Communication e-Course to make change happen?

You will learn the abilities and skills to change your part in a Relationship and to maximally influence your partner, spouse, colleague, or other in a positive direction!

1. Learn the characteristics of an Extraordinary Relationship.
2. Set a Goal for reaching your own Extraordinary Relationship.
3. Develop a powerful mindfulness Breathing Tool to help with calming your mind.
4. Determine the specific problems in your difficult Relationships.
5. Pinpoint your own and your partner’s specific contributions, small or large, in creating the Relationship problems.
6. Grasp why the problems get worse and worse – and end up in the Vicious Cycle of ‘attack and/or withdraw’.
7. Understand what you need to do to improve each difficult Relationship.
8. Master how to STOP your behaviors and feelings that automatically arise when your Vicious Cycle gets Triggered.
9. Learn how to recognize and DETACH from your automatic inner reactions of thoughts and feelings when your Vicious Cycle gets Triggered.
This is a super-important skill
 as it allows you to take charge of the interaction and find ways of making it better.
10. Develop the ability to recognize and change underlying Beliefs that are getting in the way of improving the Relationship.
11. Implement changes in your Relationship.
12. Practice the Seven Steps of Win/Win Communication, in order to work at improving the Relationship and getting more of your needs met, if possible.
13. Negotiate for the Win/Win.
14. Assess your progress at the end of the course (and at the end of each lesson). Then set a new Goal for improving difficult Relationships even further.
15. Figure out what to do if you bring your new awareness and Win/Win Communication skills into the Relationship and it still doesn’t get better.


Dr. Diane (Kramer) is a long-time relationship and business coach, psychologist, divorce mediator, author and marriage counselor. Dr. Diane brings compassion, insight, wisdom and powerful tools to help her clients recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or other in personal life and business. She teaches the mindset, skillset and actionset to reach success goals time-after-time in all areas of life.

Donna (Anselmo) M.S., is a long-time business and relationship coach, best-selling author, hypnotherapist and branding/marketing specialist who uses wisdom, compassion and powerful tools to lead her clients to recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or others. She then leads her clients to build successful lives, step-by-step, in the areas of relationships, career, business and personal life.

Co-founders of the award-winning Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, Donna and Dr. Diane draw their tools from Psychology, Neuro-linguistic Programming (think Tony Robbins) and Mindfulness Practices.

Note: Following your purchase, you will receive an email Welcome notification with instructions to schedule your Orientation Session, download your Blueprint for Change, access your e-Courses and Success Time with us, Dr. Diane and Donna, and get started. Once you begin your sessions, we also will follow up with weekly messages to help facilitate change.

We’ve designed this Self-Study option as an affordable alternative for those who cannot or do not wish to participate in live private and/or group coaching sessions. Learn more in the long description below.

More life, more love, more confidence, more success, less frustration and less pain!

What Will You Lose By Not Getting Started Today? Peace of mind and precious time. What else?

Are You Ready? Add to cart and get started today.


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