Extraordinary Self® is Your Chance for Meaningful Change | Transformational Programs for Personal Growth and Professional Development.

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How Our Programs Work

Simply Put, Our Courses Help Transform Your Approach to Life, Work and Relationships.

Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs go deep in providing in-depth guidance for change, as you exercise your “self-empowerment muscle.” For example:

Our Blueprint for Success helps you get started focusing on what you want and the changes you need to make to get there.

Our Transformation Program e-Courses provide interactive components and exercises to engage you in the change process and motivate you to “stay the course.”

Learning-rich visualizations, built into every e-Course lesson, help you internalize new abilities for long-term change.

Breathing exercises facilitate mindful awareness and inner calm.

Belief changes – from limiting to liberating – help foster development.

Focus on transformation of your Inner Critic / Inner Judge to your Inner Coach increases self-worth and positivity.

Extensive tools, including assessments, written exercises, your own online journal, goals/action planning tool, learning checks, coaching emails and other support helps put learning into perspective and cement your changes.

Monthly Success Time with us, Donna and Dr. Diane, keeps you motivated and engaged in the longer-term change process. During Success Time, you will refresh goals, set action steps, review progress, troubleshoot obstacles, ask questions, learn concepts, and engage in a change visualization.

Extraordinary Selves discover that continuous learning is the antidote to failure. As long as you commit to learning the next steps for you, and follow through on them, you will consistently enjoy more success and satisfaction. We’ll guide you through those steps.
Of course, no one else can change you! Only you can do the work of transforming your own mindset, inner patterns and outer behavior. You will need to take 100% responsibility for your feelings, choices, and changes going forward. You will need to practice what you learn to move forward and keep your changes. In doing so, you will learn how to change your part in situations – the only part entirely in your control.
No need for worry! We will provide the roadmap, tools and “rocket fuel,” along with guidance and support to help you stay on track.

Embrace the Extraordinary Self® you want to be — perhaps even more strongly, with each course you take.

Start Today

If you’re ready for an Extraordinary Life – dive right in! Visit the following links for details on individual Program areas: Learn about our comprehensive Eight Key Abilities Program or start with shorter individual-ability-building Resource Programs.

If needed, use our Self-Assessment to help you decide. Whichever Program you choose, you’ll find yourself growing by leaps and bounds as you practice the thinking, skills and strategies you’ll learn.

Should you desire individualized support, please consider our Personal Coaching option. We are available to you.