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After signing up for a Transformation Program, start or join an Extraordinary Self Success Circle. You can even invite your friends, family and business associates to join you in your Success Circle, once they have signed up for a Transformation Program. Together, you’ll learn to:
• Consistently reach your goals, regarding self, business, productivity and relationships.
• Improve your relationships, even the difficult ones.
• Handle stressful situations with ease.
• Feel good about yourself, day in and day out.
• Bounce back from adversities and negative emotions.
• Learn from every experience.
• Multiply your business success, or start a new business.
• Let go of the past and live fully in the present.
Need a buddy? We’ll try to pair you up. Or join an established Success Circle group. Together, you will learn new ways to change thoughts, behaviors, lives, relationships, and/or careers. Set the Goals you each want to achieve and learn how to get the results you want, along with other people on the self-development path. Why? Research shows that many learners benefit from group support.
Members of Extraordinary Self® Success Circles do not need to take the same course. There are many common elements and pathways, so friends can learn and grow together. And strangers can become supportive friends.
Meet in person with your friends, or virtually in Facebook or Zoom groups. Ask us how.
Between Extraordinary Self Success Circle meetings (we suggest weekly if possible), members can work on course exercises and practice individually. When you get together, you will be able to encourage each other to stay on track.
We’ve dedicated our arsenal of resources to you because we want to make a difference in this world. And we believe you do, too. Get started today! After you have registered for a Transformational Program or Coaching Package, contact us for helping setting up or joining a group.
Need assistance? We’ll help you facilitate group discussions, questions and answers by providing instructional resources. Ask us for help. Everyone who registers for a Transformation Program or Coaching Package also may join our weekly Success Time or contact us for extra guidance. We are vested in your success!
As you and your friends change in extraordinary ways, you’ll be making the world a better place – one person, one group at a time. And, we think you’ll enjoy life more as you do.
Remember – Extraordinary Selves live life with more purpose, confidence, passion, integrity and focus. They align their actions with their Goals and learn to overcome obstacles using our no-fail learning system. They feel better about themselves. With more self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence, they feel more satisfied with themselves and their lives. When there is something they want, they are more apt to go for it, and more likely to achieve their Goals. Better still, Extraordinary Selves do that with less worry, less stress and a learning focused, can-do attitude.
Sound good? Ask a few friends to take an Extraordinary Self® Transformational Program and join a Success Circle with you. Right now we have 7 courses available and more on deck. Want to get started? Just let us know.
Want to earn income, too? Become an Extraordinary Self Referral Partner (Affiliate). Then, earn commission each time someone you refer signs up for an Extraordinary Self Transformation Progam.