If you have gone through a painful relationship breakup, saying you are not at your best is probably an understatement. Many say they feel disorganized and confused, anxious about the future and bad about themselves.Does that sound like you? Do you have sleepless nights and stressful days? Or are you sleeping too much? Gaining too...Read More
Have you left a toxic relationship through breakup or divorce – or are you thinking of leaving? In most cases, leaving opens you to new problems on top of the old – pain, disorientation, frustration, confusion, lack of direction, emptiness, sadness, even full mourning.Recovery means moving out of all that pain!In Recovery, as you move...Read More
As a therapist, I hear many stories. By asking questions, I pretty quickly get to the root of relationship issues. Often those issues reflect skills taught in our Extraordinary Self e-Courses. For example …I picked up the phone and listened to Grace on the other end. She started crying and said through her tears, “I...Read More