Extraordinary Self® - Suffering is Optional! | Transformational Programs for Personal Growth and Professional Development

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Embracing the Art of Mindfulness


Are you looking for more peace, clarity and control in your life? This course is highly appropriate for people who expend energy rehashing the past or worrying about the future. A helpful starting point for personal development, this Mindfulness training course helps you tune into the present instead of worrying about past or future. You will learn how to interrupt and detach from the negativity in your life—beliefs, thoughts and feelings. You will learn how to stay in the moment and enjoy experiences more fully. Our proven techniques are designed to help you:

  • Stop rehashing the past, so you can move toward and achieve the fulfillment you seek.
  • Develop greater awareness of your thoughts, feelings, sensations and environment.
  • Learn to stay present, clear, focused and alert.
  • Develop the calm, peaceful and aware mindset of a Buddha.
  • Develop clarity that leads to informed thinking and better choices, even in difficult circumstances.

Embracing the Art of Mindfulness includes:

  • An engaging interactive platform for integrated learning.
  • Deep insights to help you understand the reasons for the changes you are making and how to make them stick.
  • Proprietary learning tools to empower your new skills in both your inner and outer lives
  • Instructive practice exercises to help reinforce what you are learning
  • Interactive visualizations that build strong connections between mind and body
  • Your own password-protected online journal. Journaling in your own private space will help increase your awareness of thoughts and changes as you engage in this transformative reinvention program.
  • Access to our proprietary Action Planning tool to help you set, track and reach goals.