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Watch For It! We are planning training dates to help you develop success plans, answer your questions and provide marketing insights and Extraordinary Self Transformation Program updates for our Affiliates.
In the meantime, you are invited to join our weekly “Transformation Time” hour during which we provide more insight to Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs and Packages. The more you know about our Programs, the easier it will be to spread the word and start earning commissions.
We plan to schedule “Monthly Marketing Meetups” for Referral Partners (Affiliates) starting soon – and we will e-Mail you dates once a schedule is established.
We want to be sending you big commission checks and are here to help you Get Started!
Please read the information below to learn more – and start reaching out to your contacts soon.
Questions? Feel free to contact us anytime at: We will respond as quickly as possible.
Invite your contacts – especially people who are open to self-exploration, personal growth through self-development, coaching support and/or want more from life, hope for better relationships, and/or need to build skills that will enhance their career track. This Program is especially geared for people who want big changes in their lives – or even small tweaks that will make a big difference in terms of outcomes.
Briefly, let your contacts know you’re writing to connect them with a unique transformational program leading to much more inner satisfaction and outer success for the long haul.
For example, you might write:
I’m so enthused by the Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs that I’m writing to introduce you. This program already has helped thousands of people transform to reach their personal, relationship and/or career goals – leading to much more inner satisfaction and outer success, and more aliveness, happiness, calm, creativity, joy, love, energy and productivity.
The proven Extraordinary Self Transformation System includes our starter Blueprint for Change, an in-depth transformational e-Course – and live Success Time hours for support, motivation and troubleshooting by Dr. Diane Kramer, Donna Anselmo, and other certified Extraordinary Self Program coaches. The Program also offers Success Circles (for small groups wanting to experience the Extraordinary Self Journey together) and multiple resources and tools, including optional private Coaching.
Please follow my Affiliate link to learn about Extraordinary Self Transformation Packages. I’m pretty sure you’ll want to sign up: [Insert your Affiliate Link here]. This link will give you an automatic 10% discount on these Transformation Programs and other transformation tools.
Building a referral network takes work, but can pay big dividends when done efficiently and effective!
First, think about your own financial and aspirational goals. Then make your plan for getting there, based on your current knowledge and resources. Think about what you will need to learn to get where you want to go. (See our blog on Goal Setting).
From a financial standpoint, how many referrals / how much in commissions will it take for you to feel satisfied with your earnings?
From an aspirational standpoint, how many people would you like to help by connecting them with more inner satisfaction, enjoyment and success in their lives, relationships and careers?
If you need to learn more, join in Marketing Time for Referral Partners (Affiliates) the second Tuesday of each month at 8 pm EST. We’ve set aside that time to help you develop success plans, answer questions and provide marketing insights.
Bonus: You will learn more about marketing with Donna Anselmo, author of Marketing Demystified (published by McGraw-Hill), and Dr. Diane Kramer, clinical psychologist, and award-winning tech entrepreneur, professor emeritus and author.
For more than four decades, Donna and Diane have helped entrepreneurs start and/or grow their businesses. And we’ve helped thousands of individuals enjoy more fulfilling lives, too. We look forward to getting to know you.
First, read through our Website, Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, Coaching and other product descriptions in our Catalog. Familiarize yourself with our offerings so you will be positioned to notice opportunities within your referral networks.
Ivan Misner, president of the international networking group BNI, taught millions of members his philosophy that “Givers Gain.” Remember that helping others achieve success is a gift. Invariably, when you gift others, you receive in return. We love and embrace his philosophy!
There are many resources on the Internet to help you learn the basics of e-Mail marketing, and even advanced e-Mail marketing techniques. MailChimp offers a free option for sending bulk e-Mail. You can also explore using their a free trial option.
E-Mail marketing allows you build connections and relationships with your readers over time. When done right, e-Mail marketing will help you grow your sales. as your e-Mail list grows, your affiliate marketing sales will grow too, if you’re doing it right. When done wrong (e.g., when spamming people who haven’t given permission to be contacted), you can be blacklisted by your target’s e-Mail servers and develop a poor sender reputation. So take care when using e-Mail marketing
Be sure to add your Referral link to your e-mail signature.
When selling my book, Marketing Demystified my literary agent told me (Donna Anselmo), “less is more.” Rather than trying to cover the entire market, targeting (for example) the specific niche of “entrepreneurs” would enable us to focus our marketing efforts and do more with less.
Think about your own interests and those of people you know. What kind of help do you and others need? What aspirational messages do you want to share with others? Where can you connect with those people online? Which social media outlets do they and you frequent?
Decide where you will build the right connections – and plan your outreach to them.
A few Niche audiences in which you can find likely prospects, include:
Choose which niche or niches interest you most. If you have contacts in those niches, reach out to them. If not, think about how you can develop those connections. Check out college alumni lists and business directories. Use the targeting features on social media. Plan your posts. Share information with them.
Once you have identified a niche or three, use social media targeting tools, such as those on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter and YouTube channel if you have one.
Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement of our Marketing Webinar with a social media guru who will share insider secrets for growing your lists and more.
Want to learn more about marketing now? Order your copy of Marketing Demystified by Donna Anselmo. Published by McGraw-Hill, and available on Amazon and at booksellers nationwide. This 380-page how-to resource will guide you through the many facets of marketing.
Also download our “Blueprint for Success” created for our Referral marketing partners like you! Set your Success Goal for Your Affiliate Marketing effort. And, use this complimentary exercise to help you plan for your success.
Check your Affiliate Dashboard to track your progress – at least weekly. If you have questions about using the Dashboard, please send them to us at
Questions? Feel free to contact: