Extraordinary Self® - Suffering is Optional! | Transformational Programs for Personal Growth and Professional Development

Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: Reinvention Program

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Energize for Entrepreneurial Success

A Personal and Professional Reinvention Program

If business was easy, everyone would start one, right? But success is elusive, and even successful entrepreneurs may struggle with stress and overwhelm. Did you know that 50% of all businesses close within five years?

Stress reactions, lack of clarity, missing skill sets, and underwhelming business results can leave you feeling stuck. The resulting wear and tear may leave you questioning your decisions and abilities while undermining your confidence. And your productivity and profitability worries may double if you are financially responsible for family and employees, too. Sound familiar?

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we’ve been where you are. So, we made it our mission to uncover the secrets of peak performers and develop a model that transforms mediocre results into high performance – over and over again. What’s the secret?  Inner reinvention leads to extraordinary outer results! Research has proven that if you want to succeed, maintain work/life balance and stay healthy, you need to make those inner changes. And we can do that because of another secret: “Suffering is Optional.” 

Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of people tap into their hidden potential and develop the continual peace of mind, resilience, strategic mindset, productivity and relationship skills  needed to grow business success after success – while enjoying their lives.

Working with us, Althea recovered from the loss of her husband and launched a successful business. Lorraine ramped up her multi-level venture. Grace got over her sales fright and hit the ground running. Pam rose from manager to VP of a major corporation – breaking through her own glass ceiling. And Leslie, a lawyer, started winning more cases, which strengthened her business.  Check out more testimonials.

If you are ready to work with us in depth, you will acquire the powerful habitual operating paradigm that now helps so many others. We will help you master this system and apply your new, highly successful way of being – until it becomes second nature. 

With your new inner operating system. you will wake up feeling new energy and resilience. You will see your confidence and capability soar. During the day, you will set and achieve more challenging goals because you will know how to reach them and how to get ‘unstuck’ quickly. With this new way of being, you’ll hear positive voices inside your head, experience peace of mind, and make more strategic decisions.

Your reinvention journey will lead you to higher productivity and profitability, greater happiness, and more ongoing satisfaction and success in your life, business and relationships.

Be aware that creating meaningful lasting change requires integration of new awarenesses, skills and abilities – and takes time and practice, with support and coaching.

We invite you on a year-long journey of self-discovery and reinvention – available in group, private and self-study options. Join us and come away with deeper self-awareness, more peace of mind and resilience, and the insights essential to resolving issues that plague so many entrepreneurs, taking up too much mental space. Instead, you will energize yourself and your enterprise.

Below, learn how our Program can help you reinvent yourself and thrive in extraordinary ways.


Calm Your Inner Self / Toward Peace of Mind

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

• Feel heard and understood in terms of what has happened, what you are feeling, and where you are at now.
• Grow calmer, as you learn to use our stress-lowering breathing exercises and tools for detaching from stress and negativity.
• Gain clarity on what type of goals and changes will help you enjoy more satisfaction and success ahead.

When our business outlook is uncertain, we experience deeper stress, worry, anxiety and fear of the future. This often leads to feelings of overwhelm and distress, sleepless nights and confusing days. Let’s change that in reinvention stages. Together, step by step, starting with this empowering introductory module, you will develop the calm mindful awareness needed for greater clarity. Greater calm also provides more energy for success.


Develop Resilience Through Unshakeable Self -Value and Inner Strength

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Business blunders and fears of failure take a toll on our identity, leading us to question our own self-worth. This creates negativity, self-attacks, hopelessness, and lack of energy, purpose and direction. Chronic low self-worth makes it even worse. There is a better way! In this Module you will develop a sense of deep self-acceptance and peace of mind. You will breathe new life into the tapestry of you and your business. It’s time to uncover the unshakeable foundation of High Self-Worth.

• Build peace of mind and Unshakeable Self-Value with new Liberating Beliefs that lessen fear and worry.
• Enjoy more self-compassion, self-love, self-confidence and self-trust.
• feel more energetic as you lessen anxiety and hopelessness.
• Start changing patterns with deeper self-regard for a better life and business ahead.


Reinvent Yourself and Gain Confidence – Transform Self-Defeating Patterns

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Self-Defeating Patterns keep you from having the life and thriving business you want. It’s highly likely that repeating patterns, such as over-pleasing, negative self-talk, and self-attacks have led to your current distress. These patterns become so ingrained that they arise automatically – below the level of conscious awareness – and hold you back from creating your dream business, life and relationships. Now that you have been strengthening self-worth, you are ready for the next stage in your Reinvention Journey! You will change patterns that set you up for failure in the past – and create a new and far more satisfying life and business story.

• Recognize Self-Defeating Patterns as you build more self-awareness.
• Quickly and effectively detach from these Self-Defeating Patterns.
• Identify and transform the underlying patterns so you move you forward faster – with more inner power and confidence.


Re-create Your Inner Critic as Your Inner Coach

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Connecting with and managing your Self-Talk by shifting your relationship with your Inner Voice will empower you to be the person and business leader you are set on becoming. Now that you’re experiencing higher self-worth and less distress through your recent changes, the next stage is learning to let go of shame, guilt, self-blame, and self-attacks. Exploring and countering the inner sources of self-doubt, self-attacks and negativity is empowering. Your inner voice will become supportive and helpful. And good feelings will follow.

Develop more confidence as you transform and shift the roles, inner voices, and behaviors of your Inner Judge and Inner Obstacles.
Empower your inner core so you no longer beat yourself up or feel hopeless.
Let go of shame, guilt and fear of failure, criticism or rejection as you empower yourself with strong new inner resources.


Evolve Your Vision, Values and Mission for a More Successful Business Future

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

It’s not easy to get what you want when you don’t really know what you want or how to get it. This Module will change that! Gain clarity and focus as you explore hidden facets of you, and connect more deeply with your authentic self and desires.

Gain clarity about your evolving self-concept.
Become more intentional and act with purpose.
Identify your sets of personal and business values, and align them with your business vision.
Refine your authentic personal and/or professional missions, which will act as beacons for future direction and decisions.


Step Into Your Success

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Imagine you are standing in your own power, influencing others and getting business and personal needs met – faster and more effectively than ever. You’re almost there! We will help you plan your new future and support you in getting there step by step. Our extraordinary goal-achievement process will help ensure that you break through to higher levels of success without feeling confused or overwhelmed.

Understand how to take action you never thought possible for results you never knew how to get!
Confidently move forward with purpose to reach goals that you may not even have believed you deserved in the past.
Gain the non-stop confidence you’ve needed as you enjoy extraordinary results, time and time again!



Reinvent Your Life – Own Your Own Future

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Getting to your positive, empowered future means recognizing your part in past feelings, choices, decisions, and relationships – without beating yourself up. In this Module, we enhance your “response ability” for re-creating the life and business future you want. This includes your relationship with you!

See and acknowledge that decisions you made in the past were based on who you were back then, and learn not to beat yourself up about them.
Truly master the ability to shift out of old automatic habits of blame, shame, guilt and self-attacks – as you take more responsibility for your feelings, decisions, and actions.
Feel more courageous, capable and confident about going for the future you want.



Prepare for Extraordinary Business Relationships

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

With your new insight into painful personal and business events, this Module will help you ensure that you do not repeat the relationship mistakes of the past. What you learn in this Module help you with the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself! Prepare to operate with more love, compassion, empathy, and balance to get business and personal needs met in Win/Win ways.

Stop predicting business failure and prepare for success through greater awareness of what underlies Vicious Cycles in your past.
•  Learn to recognize, detach from, avoid, and/or break Vicious Cycles.
•  Gain clarity on how to cultivate the Extraordinary Business and Personal Relationship(s) you want.
•  Feel supported as you receive personal insight and coaching to keep future relationships positive and need satisfying.



Win/Win Communication Skills 1

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

Success with business and personal communication starts inside our minds in the form of self-talk, automatic thinking, beliefs and perceptions – whether true or false. Sometimes our false assumptions develop into deeper false beliefs and barriers to success. In this Module, we will explore “all things communication” and help develop new abilities for communicating with compassion, confidence, and clarity.


• Develop 7 Extraordinary Communication Skills that will empower you to stop communicating in ways that sabotaged your success.
• Master the art of Win/Win Communication to avoid conflicts, arguing or withdrawing, and/or feelings of hurt and betrayal.
• Sharpen your communication skills with key practices and exercises that support trust, understanding, and rapport to help you and your colleagues (and personal partners) feel heard and validated.



Win/Win Communication Skills 2

Illustrataion of woman entrepreneur walking a path on a success journey

There are many nuances to Win/Win communication, including deepening one’s ability to deal with differences when communicating. This final Module will immerse you in experiential learning and practice exercises to uncover the hidden needs of crucial conversations. As a result, you will operate more powerfully and effectively in all areas of your life.


Get needs met through artful, empathetic and respectful communication.
Enhance your ability to ask for what you want and to influence others.
Develop effective ways of validating others and giving feedback.
Be able to negotiate differences and get the outcomes you want.


Energize for Your Success!

We provide empathic, non-judgmental support for Women Entrepreneurs

What would it take for you to go on a journey of personal growth that helps you build your business? Are you ready to reinvent yourself and live a life you love?

This Transformational Program will help you advance in business and life with more self-love, self-worth and self-confidence. We will help you create a safe and self-loving, resilient inner space – the foundation for low-stress success in all your pursuits.

Are you ready to go on this journey of reinvention? Are you willing to tackle negative feelings like fear, worry, stress and self-criticism? As you explore within and learn to change, you will let go of limiting beliefs, such as I am not good enough and I am a failure. Instead you will learn to shift into powerful Liberating Beliefs that lead to learning, success and positive self-regard.

You also will practice maintaining inner calm, unshakeable self-worth and self-love – even when times are difficult. As you do, you will learn to maintain boundaries, go for your dreams, and reach levels of success you may not yet believe you deserve.

From a self-loving space, you will redefine your self-concept. You will cultivate more inner strength, feel highly resilient and confident. You will tackle new opportunities and overcome business challenges – with less stress and distress.

Join the thousands of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs who enjoy more success and live lives of self-love and self-respect. Get started today.

About Dr. Diane Kramer

Dr. Diane Kramer

Dr. Diane is a successful technology entrepreneur, psychologist, college professor emeritus, and organizational consultant. Dr. Diane brings insight, wisdom, warmth, and powerful tools to help her clients recover from painful relationships with self and/or others in both life and business. She teaches the mind set, skill set and action set for clients to feel continually self-loving and powerful while reaching success goals time-after-time in all areas of their lives. Learn more >


About Donna Anselmo

Donna Anselmo professional ortrait

Donna’s business leadership, success consulting, and entrepreneurship in the fields of marketing and e-learning all inform her coaching strategies. With longstanding expertise in personal and professional development and sales consulting, Donna’s insight and powerful tools lead clients to liberate themselves from ineffective automatic patterns that no longer serve them. Author of Marketing Demystified (published by McGraw-Hill), Donna leads clients step by step as they adopt proven success strategies for more rewarding personal, professional and business outcomes. Learn more >