Extraordinary Self® - Suffering is Optional! | Transformational Programs for Personal Growth and Professional Development

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You’re Invited to Free Webinar: How to Get Over a Breakup on March 6, 2025

Pop Art image of thinking woman in gray suit.
Pop Art image of thinking woman in gray suit.

We know it is not easy. We (Donna and Dr. Diane) have been there and done that. We learned how to recover and reinvent ourselves and have taught our methods to thousands – with astonishing success. Now we’re ready to share those methods with you when we present our free How to Get Over a Breakup: 3 Keys to Relationship Recovery and Reinvention Webinar – coming up March 6, 2025 at 6 PM EST. Please join us.

The webinar’s 3 Keys will help you get over the past, heal the present and create the future of your dreams – all based on the principle that Suffering is Optional. We will provide examples and exercises to help. You will get lots of insights to take home and use in your life.

For help in the meantime, start by reading our blog Suffering is Optional! 

Also, read our blog: 7 Ways to Recreate Yourself After a Breakup or Divorce. 

If you want to learn how to make suffering optional now and if you want those deep changes and need help, we offer either private or group in-depth coaching programs. And for those on a budget, we offer self-study e-courses complete with deep visualizations for change and a role model to guide you through your changes (plus monthly contact with us). 

To sign up for our live private or group coaching programs, or self-study e-courses, visit our catalog. 

Or sign up now for a free Discovery Coaching Call

If you want to learn how to make suffering optional, be sure to come to our free webinar!  

Get our free e-book here: Recovering from Toxic and Dysfuntional Relationships, Breakups and Divorce

Sign up for further news and blogs.

For more about changing your past, present and future pain, we invite you to sign up for our Free WebinarHow to Get Over a Breakup: 3 Keys to Relationship Recovery and Reinvention, March 6, at 6 PM EST.

In the meantime we invite you to download our Free E-book on toxic relationships.

And if you want to learn how to make suffering optional, want those deep changes and need help, we offer either private or group in-depth coaching programs. And for those on a budget, we offer self-study e-courses complete with deep visualizations for change and a role model to guide you through your changes (plus monthly contact with us). Visit Extraordinary Self to learn more.

We’ve got many resources you are invited to share. Sign up for our: News and Blog Alerts and stay on top of information designed to create a more extraordinary you and a more extraordinary world.

Message from Dr. Diane Kramer
I am a psychologist, coach, marriage counselor, trainer, author and divorce mediator with more than 40 years of experience with helping people make deep changes. Based on “Suffering is Optional,” I developed the first Extraordinary Self Program in 2008 with a team to create positive change more quickly and thoroughly than traditional therapies. Our Extraordinary Self team has helped thousands. My life mission – I love to help people radiate self-love and confidence while developing the lives, careers and/or relationships they truly desire. I want this for you.

Message from Donna Anselmo, M.S.
I am a coach, McGraw-Hill published author, marketing strategist, and former AM/FM talk radio host who has partnered with Dr. Diane to expand and bring Extraordinary Self Programs, including our new Breakup and Divorce Recovery offerings, online. After also mastering the “Suffering is Optional” mindset, I have helped many to trade in the negative emotions holding them back for positive change, success, and satisfaction. My life mission – helping people unleash their inner resources, reinvent themselves, and launch the lives, careers and/or relationships they love. I look forward to help