Ready for a dive into what it means to live as your Extraordinary Self®?
“Setting criteria for what she wanted in her life was a game changer for Dr. Diane Kramer, founder of the Extraordinary Self® Program.” — Lizzie Brayton, Living Your Best Vibe Podcast
Dr. Kramer, along with partner Donna Anselmo, recently moved the Extraordinary Self program from in-person training and coaching to an e-Learning platform so they could share Inner Mastery strategies with a broader audience than was possible in face-to-face programs alone.
As Living Your Best Vibe podcast host Lizzie Brayton, says, Dr. Kramer, of the Extraordinary Self Program, “envisions a world where all people are so self-assured and clear as to who they are—and what they need—that our journeys are smoothly traveled and purposeful.
“It is a world where we easily step into selves and lives that enable us to reach our highest potential, and step away from experiences not meant for us. Sounds utopian, and yet, it’s not as elusive as one might think.
Growing up, Dr. Kramer navigated life as many of us have, trapped in self-defeating thought patterns, burdened by the entanglements of formative years, and engaging in relationships and circumstances that were not serving her, said Lizzie.
Eventually, she trusted an inner voice that urged her to develop, test, and fine-tune theories of Psychology, Neuroscience and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Today, she enjoys the fruits of these discoveries, as both founder and product of an extraordinarily transformative system for internal change and external satisfaction,” Lizzie added.
Listen to the Interview …

Listen to Dr. Diane Kramer on the Living Your Best Vibe Podcast with Lizzie Brayton. Click the link below.
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On a Mac computer, click on the iTunes app and search for the pink Living Your Best Vibe podcast icon and Subscribe to that show. Then select Episode 12 to hear Dr. Kramer’s interview.
On an iPhone, download the free Apple Podcast app, then search for the pink Living Your Best Vibe icon and Subscribe to the show. Select Episode 12 to hear Dr. Kramer’s interview.
To tune in from a PC or Android Phone, download the free Stitcher app, then search for the Living Your Best Vibe podcast and Add to Favorites. Make sure to Refresh your Feed to see Lizzie Brayton’s newest episodes. Select Episode 12 to hear Dr. Kramer’s interview.
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Soon, the Extraordinary Self team will be launching 7 new online courses with more to come shortly. Stay tuned!
For more information on Extraordinary Self course information, just ask us.
Choices for Transformation:
Download our free e-book – Recovering from Toxic Relationships, Breakup and Divorce Recovery e-book– including Nine Steps for Recover
Sign up for one of our Toxic Relationships, Breakup and Divorce Recovery Programs. These Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, comes in three versions – a private coaching program over 9 months to help you evolve to the next level of self-love, self-confidence and a fulfilling life, a group program and third, a self-study version, each to fit your budget.
Sign up for one of our other Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs. In addition to Toxic Relationship Breakup and Divorce Recovery, our Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs include live coaching (Individual or group} and 7 intensive powerful self-study courses for self and relationship development, Our core course, 8 Key Abilities for Your Extraordinary Future, has won multiple awards and helped thousands. Our other courses include courses on stress, self-talk, emotions, self-defeating patterns, relationships and self-worth.
Dr. Diane (Kramer) is a long-time relationship and business coach, psychologist, divorce mediator, author and marriage counselor. Dr. Diane brings insight, wisdom, warmth, and powerful tools to help her clients recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or other – in personal life and business. She teaches the mind set, skill set and action set to feel continually self-loving and powerful while reaching success goals time-after-time in all areas of your life.
Donna (Anselmo) M.S., Dr. Diane’s partner, is a long-time business and relationship coach, best-selling author, hypnotherapist, radio personality and branding/marketing specialist who uses wisdom, compassion, insight and powerful tools to lead her clients to recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or others. She then leads her clients to build successful lives, step-by-step, in the areas of relationships, career, business and personal life.
Co-founders of the award-winning Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, Donna and Dr. Diane draw their tools from Psychology, Neuroscience, Neuro-linguistic Programming (think Tony Robbins) and MIndfulness Practices.
Donna and Dr. Diane have helped thousands of Extraordinary Self graduates transform. “We look forward to helping you.”