Evolving to a More Extraordinary World
In 1969, while a doctoral student in psychology – and contemplating a troubled world – Diane Kramer heard a spiritual inner voice say: “The world will shift in a positive direction with Evolution, Belief Changes and Computers.” That intriguing message set her on a course to help herself and others evolve to a life of consistent good feelings, continual inner satisfaction, and ongoing success.
In 2004, as a professor of psychology, Dr. Diane organized a research team of Psychologists and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainers to study the underpinnings and traits of people who demonstrated extraordinary outcomes in life – with apparently high personal satisfaction, time after time.

The team learned that these Extraordinary people really believed in themselves, so they were able to maintain high level self-worth – no matter what was happening in their lives and businesses. How was that possible? They had learned to change self-defeating patterns into extraordinary success patterns – inside and out. And, they figured out no-fail ways of reaching important goals.
Our First Program: In-person Learning in Business and College Environments
Believing the mindset and skills of those extraordinary people could be modeled and taught, Dr. Diane developed the Extraordinary Self® program. By 2005, this 8-week course engaged individuals and groups in developing the mindset, beliefs, thinking, and behaviors of peak performers. Shortly after, she integrated those lessons into college courses, and almost every student reported outcomes such as improved grades and more inner satisfaction.

In 2006, Donna Anselmo signed up for the 8-week Extraordinary Self® training course. A marketing professional at the time, she was surprised when – during a visualization exercise in Week 4 of the course – she unexpectedly saw herself teaching Extraordinary Self® methods to small groups in Florida. She knew this program would become her future!
Having been concerned for years about the impact of depression and despair on vulnerable lives, Donna’s own passion for helping people thrive had already been front and center. After finishing the Extraordinary Self program, she studied closely with Diane and others to become certified as an Extraordinary Self® coach/facilitator. By 2008, Donna was “living the dream” and conducting Extraordinary Self® training sessions in Melbourne, Florida.
Expanding Access through Online Learning
Years later, Diane and Donna joined forces to create an online learning program to make this training widely accessible. It’s taken us years to do it, but we stayed the course.
We believe if people across the world learn to liberate themselves from thoughts, perceptions, and emotions that lead to negative spirals personally, professionally, and even politically, our world will become a place where everyone can thrive. Imagine a world where needs are met and people feel whole in themselves and highly satisfied in life.
Our e-Courses immerse learners in breaking out of even longstanding patterns that separate people from the fulfilling, meaningful lives they were born to enjoy.
Would you love to live in a more happy, more extraordinary world — where people learn to communicate in win/win ways and work to ensure that their needs and those of others are satisfied as much as possible, and where communities thrive?
Extraordinary Self Programs provide a pathway to meaningful change. Ready for change?
We invite you to be part of our story! Immerse yourself in our extraordinary world — inside and out!
Choices for Transformation:
Download our free e-book – Recovering from Toxic Relationships, Breakup and Divorce Recovery e-book– including Nine Steps for Recover
Sign up for one of our Toxic Relationships, Breakup and Divorce Recovery Programs. These Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, comes in three versions – a private coaching program over 9 months to help you evolve to the next level of self-love, self-confidence and a fulfilling life, a group program and third, a self-study version, each to fit your budget.
Sign up for one of our other Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs. In addition to Toxic Relationship Breakup and Divorce Recovery, our Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs include live coaching (Individual or group} and 7 intensive powerful self-study courses for self and relationship development, Our core course, 8 Key Abilities for Your Extraordinary Future, has won multiple awards and helped thousands. Our other courses include courses on stress, self-talk, emotions, self-defeating patterns, relationships and self-worth.
Dr. Diane (Kramer) is a long-time relationship and business coach, psychologist, divorce mediator, author and marriage counselor. Dr. Diane brings insight, wisdom, warmth, and powerful tools to help her clients recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or other – in personal life and business. She teaches the mind set, skill set and action set to feel continually self-loving and powerful while reaching success goals time-after-time in all areas of your life.
Donna (Anselmo) M.S., Dr. Diane’s partner, is a long-time business and relationship coach, best-selling author, hypnotherapist, radio personality and branding/marketing specialist who uses wisdom, compassion, insight and powerful tools to lead her clients to recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or others. She then leads her clients to build successful lives, step-by-step, in the areas of relationships, career, business and personal life.
Co-founders of the award-winning Extraordinary Self Transformation Programs, Donna and Dr. Diane draw their tools from Psychology, Neuroscience, Neuro-linguistic Programming (think Tony Robbins) and MIndfulness Practices.
Donna and Dr. Diane have helped thousands of Extraordinary Self graduates transform. “We look forward to helping you.”