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Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: Reinvention Program – Year Long Group Coaching Program with Payment Options

$2,500.00 / month for 4 months

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 If business was easy, everyone would start one, right? But success is elusive. You may be struggling with stress and overwhelm, questionable decisions, missing skill sets, and underwhelming business results. And your worries may double if you are financially responsible for employees and family. Sound familiar?

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we’ve been where you are. So, we made it our mission to uncover the secrets of peak performers and develop a model that transforms mediocre results into high performance – over and over again. What’s the secret? Inner reinvention leads to extraordinary outer results!

Based on our research, our team of Psychologists and NLP (see below) Trainers created a program modeled on  the 8 Key Abilities shared in common amongst our peak performers. This private coaching program includes:

(1) A starter Blueprint for Change
(2) 11 business and life changing individual coaching modules, presented over a 16-week period, interspersed with self-study work – plus  8 months of accountability calls with your coach(es)
(3) Monthly group Success Time with us, Donna and Diane, your Extraordinary Self coaches, for progress review, setting Next Steps, reinforcement, support, and troubleshooting help.
(4) A powerful interactive e-Course – Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: An 8 Key Abilities Reinvention e-Course made up of 17 lessons and 267 screens with in depth visualizations and (3)  Success Time,

Committing to this intensive Reinvention Program,  you will evolve your self-defeating patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. so that you can reach your business goals while experiencing peace of mind, inner resilience and low stress. “It works. It really works!.. Angela. See testimonisls.

Following your purchase, you will receive an email Welcome notification with instructions to set up an Orientation Call, access your Blueprint for Change, your e-Course at the Extraordinary Self® Learning Portal, and Success Time to help reinforce the abilities and skills you are building. Once you register, we also will follow up with weekly coaching emails relevant to your coaching content. Most Group Coaching Sessions are held on Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST. For problems with scheduling, contact us at coaches@extraordinaryself.com.

Start your Extraordinary “Peak Performer” Future Now! 


Following your purchase, you will receive an email Welcome notification with instructions for scheduling your Group Coaching with us. It also will include access your Blueprint for Change, e-Course at the Extraordinary Self® Learning Portal, and Success Time access to help reinforce the abilities and skills you are building. Once you register, we will follow up with weekly coaching emails relevant to your e-Course content.

Start your Extraordinary Future Now! Learn more below.


Additional information

Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: Reinvention Program
Group Coaching for Women
Experience More Success in Business Life and Relationships


The peak performers we researched share a set of attributes that cause them to reach business success after success . What are their secrets? They all  are able to maintain peace of mind in the face of stressful condition. As obstacles and problems arise, they maintain their resilience rather than succumb to negativity. Staying confident and positive, their business decisions are based on facts and best projections rather than fear and stress. They treat others using Win/Win relationship best practices. These factors plus efficient and focused productivity leads to excellence in profitability.

What about you? Which peak performer attributes are you missing? Are you stressed or do you maintain peace of mind? Overcome with negative emotions or resilient? Anxious and uncertain or confident? Confused and unclear or an effective decision-maker? Blaming and overcontrolling or Win/Win business relationships? Inefficient or effective productivity? And low profitability or high?

What if you could develop the peak performer attributes? What would that do for you and your business? And if you don’t develop  those attributes, what will be your loss? In this Energize for Entrepreneurial Success Reinvention Program, we offer you the opportunity to develop the peak performer attributes, step-by-step, from the inside out.

Based on our research, our team of Psychologists and NLP (see below) Trainers created a year-long program modeled on  the 8 Key Abilities shared in common amongst our peak performers. This Group Coaching  Program includes;

(1) A starter Blueprint for Change
(2) 11 group coaching reinvention sessions interspersed with self-study time, over 16 weeks with monthly follow-up group coaching for 8 months.
(3) Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: An 8 Key Abilities Reinvention e-Course, a powerful interactive, self-paced e-Course of 17 lessons and 267 screens with in depth visualizations
(4)  Success Time, monthly group coaching sessions, with Dr. Diane Kramer and Donna Anselmo, M.S., for progress review, setting Next Steps, reinforcement, support, and troubleshooting help.

Get unstuck! Enjoy more success! Increase Confidence! Reach goals consistently with our no-fail
learning system and live, group coaching to make sure you stay accountable to your goals and dreams.

Energize for Entrepreneurial Success: Reinvention Program Group Coaching for Women

Module 1. Calm Your Inner Self / Toward Peace of Mind

Why: When business does not measure up to our hopes, we may experience deeper stress, worry, anxiety and fear of failure. This often leads to feelings of overwhelm and distress as well as sleepless nights and confusing days. Let’s cultivate peace of mind, together, step by step, with this introductory module. Peace of mind leads to better problem-solving, decisions and productivity as well as increased insight into deeper causes of lack of business success..

As a result, you will:

  • Develop and practice strategies to calm your mind, leading to more objectivity and resilience.
    Why: Failed business expectations take a toll on us, leading us to question our own self-value. This manifests in negativity, self-attacks, frustration and a lack of certainty and direction. There is a better way – and it leads to business success! In this module you will develop a sense of deep self-value, growing peace of mind, and greater confidence.As a result, you will:

    • Develop and practice strategies to calm your mind, leading to more objectivity and resilience.
    • Assess yourself on peak performance skills – peace of mind, resilience, effective self-talk, confidence, ability to quickly overcome blocks and obstacles, strategies for great business decisions, high productivity, win/win relationships, and profitability.
    • Begin to develop the underlying beliefs of peak performers.
    • Set some preliminary business goals to reach during this program.

Module 2 – Develop Resilience Through Unshakeable Self-Value and Inner Strength

Why: Failed business expectations take a toll on us, leading us to question our own self-value. This manifests in negativity, self-attacks, frustration and a lack of certainty and direction. There is a better way – and it leads to business success! In this module you will develop a sense of deep self-value, growing peace of mind, and greater confidence.

As a result, you will:

    • Bolster self-confidence and self-trust, while lowering anxiety.
    • Develop Unshakeable Self-Value and Liberating Beliefs that help you stop fear and worry.
    • Feel more energetic and less frustrated.
    • Adopt the beliefs and thinking patterns of peak performers.
    • Refine your preliminary business goals.

Module 3 – Gain Confidence / Transform Self-Defeating Patterns

Why: It’s highly likely that repeating patterns, such as perfectionism, stress reactions, self-doubts, negative self-talk and self-attacks, have led to your current business distress – the patterns that get in the way of your reaching the business success you want.

Now that you have been strengthening your foundational confidence and self-value, you are ready for the next step in your reinvention. It is time to change self-defeating patterns – such as how you might set yourself up for failure – and create far more satisfying business outcomes. This module also will help you empower your self-talk.

As a result, you will:

    • Identify pesky, subconscious Self-Defeating Patterns, like stress reactions, negative self-talk, and/or self-attacks that arise automatically and hold you back from creating your business success.
    • Detach quickly and effectively from these Self-Defeating Patterns.
    • Transform underlying Limiting Beliefs behind each Self-Defeating Pattern into learning-focused Liberating Beliefs that move you forward.
    • Apply your new confidence and diminishing of self-defeating patterns to business decisions so you more quickly move into your more successful future.

Module 4 – From Inner Critic to Inner Coach

Why: In this module, you will explore inner sources of negativity, self-doubt and self-attacks. Having begun to experience more peace of mind, higher self-value, resilience, confidence and less distress, you will now go deeper to eliminate shame, guilt, self-blame, and self-attacks – leading to stressful reactions. You will focus on transforming and empowering your inner core. Instead, your own inner voice will become supportive and helpful, guiding you in effective business decisions.

As a result, you will:

    • Transform and shift the roles, inner voices and behaviors of your Inner Judge and Obstacle Parts.
    • Free yourself to develop better business decision-making wisdom.
    • Be less fearful of failure.
    • No longer fear the inner punishment of shame and guilt.
    • Start moving forward in your business with more confidence because of strengthened inner resources.

Module 5 – Evolve Your Vision, Values and Mission for a More Successful Business Future

Why: It’s important to gain clarity and focus as you connect more deeply with your authentic business desires and outcomes. With this action-oriented module, you will gain insight, strategies, and tools to help you stay focused and connected to what you truly want in business going forward. With that in mind, your motivation and determination for your business success will multiply.

As a result, you will:

    • Identify your set of business and personal values and use them to create a vision for your successful business future and life.
    • Refine your professional mission, which will act as a beacon for your enhanced business direction.

Module 6 – Step into Your Success

Why: Peak Performers have learned to set very clear short and long term business goals. They visualize their goals to help keep them focused and motivated. Imagine that you are standing in your own power, reaching business success after success – faster and more effectively than ever. You’re almost there. It’s time to plan your business future and get there step by step. You will learn an extraordinary goal-getting process to ensure you break through to a new level of productivity without feeling confused or overwhelmed.

As a result, you will:

    • Step out of self-defeating patterns more quickly – faster and wiser, fueled by enhanced self-value, empowered inner voice, and clarity about your mission, vision and goals.
    • Confidently move forward and reach goals that you may not even have thought to set previously.
    • Gain the non-stop confidence you’ve needed as you enjoy extraordinary results, time and time again!
    • With a new mindset, you will strategize, create, problem solve, and thrive without indecision, self-attacks and stress reactions.
    • Practice a method that ensures you will set and reach goals that are in your control or influence.

Module 7 – Own Your New Future

Why: Getting to your positive, empowered business future means recognizing your part in past decisions and failed strategies  – without beating yourself up. In this module, we enhance your “response ability” for creating the business you choose – and learning more impactfully from past mistakes.

As a result, you will:

    • See and acknowledge that decisions you made in the past were based on who you were back then, and learn not to beat yourself up about them. Instead, you will focus on the future.
    • Master the ability to shift out of old automatic habits of blame, shame, stress, guilt and self-attacks – as you take more responsibility for your decisions, and actions going forward toward your business success.
    • Feel more courageous, capable and confident about going for the business future you want.

Module 8 – Prepare for Extraordinary Relationships

Why: Extraordinary Win/Win Business Relationships, one of our core peak performer abilities, must operate with boundaries, clarity, compassion, negotiating skill, and balance to be effective. Now it is time to prepare to not repeat mistakes of the past with former, current, and potential clients, staff and strategic partners.

As a result, you will:

    • Practice for future business relationships now, while developing greater awareness of any vicious cycles in your past.
    • Learn how to recognize, detach from, avoid, or break the vicious cycle.
    • Prepare for success! Gain clarity on how to cultivate the extraordinary business relationship(s) you want.
    • Feel supported as you receive personal insight and coaching to keep present and future business relationships on track.

Module 9 – Win/Win Communication Skills 1

Why:  Much of business relationship communication starts inside our mind in the form of self-talk, automatic thinking, beliefs and perceptions – whether true or false. Sometimes our false assumptions develop into deeper false beliefs and barriers to win/win relationships. Poor communication and vicious cycles in past business relationships may have created lose/lose results. Lack of sales, lack of leadership, and poor management of strategic alliances may have resulted in blunders or failure. In this module, we will explore “all things communication” and help develop new abilities for communicating with boundaries, empathy, compassion, confidence, and clarity.

As a result, you will:

    • Develop 7 Extraordinary Communication Skills that will allow you to avoid communication that sabotages business relationships.
    • Master the art of Win/Win Communication, which helps avoid conflicts, arguing or withdrawing, and/or feelings of hurt and betrayal.
    • Sharpen your communication skills with key practices and exercises that support trust, understanding, and rapport to help you and your business partners feel heard and validated.

Module 10 – Win/Win Communication Skills 2

Why: This final Module will build on previous lessons and deepen your ability to deal with business differences when communicating. This experiential module immerses you in learning and practice exercises to uncover to deal with differences and conflict.

As a result, you will:

    • Learn to deal effectively with staff through Win/Win communication
    • Learn to deal effectively with strategic partners for the Win/Win
    • Learn to negotiate with integrity and boundaries through Win/Win communication

Module 11 – Integration and Review


Dr. Diane (Kramer) is a long-time business and relationship coach, technology entrepreneur, psychologist, mediator, and author. Dr. Diane brings experience, insight, wisdom and powerful tools to help her clients reinvent themselves from the inside out. The result – more productivity, less stress, more profitability, less overwhelm, more peace of mind, less frustration. She teaches the mindset, skillset and actionset to reach success goals time-after-time in business and life.

Donna (Anselmo) M.S., is a long-time business and relationship coach, best-selling author, hypnotherapist and branding/marketing specialist who uses experience, wisdom, compassion and powerful tools to lead her clients to far more successful business results. At the same time, these clients experience far more  peace of mind, inner resilience and  confidence.

Co-founders of the award-winning Extraordinary Self Reinvention Programs, Donna and Dr. Diane draw their tools from Psychology, Neuro-linguistic Programming (think Tony Robbins) and Mindfulness Practices.

Note: Following your purchase, you will receive an email Welcome notification with instructions to schedule your Orientation Session, set your coaching schedule, download your Blueprint for Change, access your supplementary  e-Course as well as Success Time with us, Dr. Diane and Donna, and get started. Once you begin your sessions, we also will follow up with weekly messages to help facilitate change.

More productivity, more peace of mind, more confidence, more success, more profit, and less frustration!

What Will You Lose By Not Getting Started Today? Peace of mind and productivity/profitability. What else?

Ready to re-ignite your lbusiness? Add to cart and schedule your first session. Have Questions? Contact us.

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